Papers published
  • Madhuri Vrisha, Ramesh Sowmya, Raymond Renita, Selina Agnes, Loganathan, Lakshmi. "Translational Research in Osteogenesis Imperfecta and Cell Therapy" 2021Proceedings 72,1: 3. (10th May 2021)  
  • Ramesh Sowmya, Dolly Daniel, Cecilia Götherström, and Vrisha Madhuri. "Trophic effects of multiple administration of mesenchymal stem cells in children with osteogenesis imperfecta." Clinical and Translational Medicine 11, no. 4 (2021): e385. (4th April 2021)
Invited talks:/h5
    Dr. Srujan Kumar Marepally
  • Delivered a lecture on "Development of lipid based nucleic acid therapeutics: Understanding the structural parameters of the lipids towards improving the transfection efficiencies" in a webinar conducted on Science beyond boundary: Invention, Discovery, Innovation and Society, 30th April 2021.
  • Dr. Marepally has received award Bronze medal from Chirantan Rasayan Sanstha, India, 30th April,2021