S.No | Author | Article Title | Journal Title/Volume/ Issue/Pg/Year | PMID | File / Link |
1 | Jayandharan GR, Zhong L, Li B, Kachniarz B, Srivastava A. | Strategies for improving the transduction efficiency of single-stranded adeno-associated virus vectors in vitro and in vivo. | Gene Therapy Volume: 15, Issue: 18,1287-1293, September 2008. | 18496572 | Gene Ther. 2008 Sep;15(18) 1287-93. |
2 | Zhong L, Li B, Jayandharan G, Mah CS, Govindasamy L, Agbandje-McKenna M, Herzog RW, Weigel-Van Aken KA, Hobbs JA, Zolotukhin S, Muzyczka N, Srivastava A. | Tyrosine-phosphorylation of AAV2 vectors and its consequences on viral intracellular trafficking and transgene expression. | Virology, Volume: 381, Issue: 02, 194-202, November 2008. | 18834608 | Virology. 2008 Nov 25;381(2) 194-202. |
3 | Hyun I, Lindvall O, Ahrlund-Richter L, Cattaneo E, Cavazzana-Calvo M, Cossu G, De Luca M, Fox IJ, Gerstle C, Goldstein RA, Hermerén G, High KA, Kim HO, Lee HP, Levy-Lahad E, Li L, Lo B, Marshak DR, McNab A, Munsie M, Nakauchi H, Rao M, Rooke | New ISSCR guidelines underscore major principles for responsible translational stem cell research. | Cell Stem Cell, Volume: 3, Issue: 06, 607-609, December 2008. | 19041777 | Cancer-Res.-2009-Oct-156920-7905-10 |