Centre for Stem Cell Research (a unit of inStem, Bengaluru), Christian Medical College Campus, Vellore
CGTS 2024 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM – Click to view / Download
CGTS 2024 ABSTRACT BOOK – Click to view / download
Welcome to Centre for Stem Cell Research (a unit of inStem, Bengaluru),Christian Medical College Campus, Vellore
The aim of this meeting is to provide a forum for scientists and physicians working in this field of research to meet and discuss recent developments. We are organizing the 10th Annual Symposium on Cell and Gene Therapy on 5th and 6th September, 2025 at the Centre for Stem Cell Research, Vellore. Research in regenerative medicine is rapidly evolving in the world today. There has been a dramatic resurgence worldwide in the field of cell and gene therapy. Several advances have taken place in the technologies related to viral vector and non-viral vector-mediated gene transfer methods. The area of gene editing has also seen significant progress. Success in early phase trials has allowed more advanced clinical studies to be undertaken. Various developments are taking place in India also both in academia and industry.
The areas of focus in this year’s program include:
The program this year reflects some of the subjects which are of current interest in the world as well in the country and where there is active work going on for some time or is being evolved at different centers in the country. We are fortunate to have among our speakers some of the global leaders in the field. This meeting has been structured to facilitate discussion both during formal presentations at the scientific sessions and through informal discussions and interactions during the breaks. We also hope that we can follow up the deliberations here with suitable action to move this field forward in India.
We hope that you will not only join us but also actively participate in this meeting which will be conducted on a hybrid mode.
With best wishes
Organizing CommitteeCentre for Stem Cell Research (a Unit of inStem, Bengaluru)Christian Medical College Campus, Bagayam, Vellore – 632002, Tamil Nadu, IndiaEmail Id: cscrmeet@cmcvellore.ac.in